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Showing posts from August, 2018

What cause boils on your face: home remedies, treatment, prevention and tips

Boils on the face Boils on the face is scary and very disturbing to have, the face is the center of the body, anything on the face cannot be hidden from the world, this is why it is very important to heal boils on your face and also prevent it from coming back. Also it very important to know the causes as well as to have some home based remedies at hand in case of a sudden breakouts. What cause boils on your face     The major cause of boil on the face is the bacteria, a special type of bacteria called the staphylococcus aureus, this bacteria , When it get into the body through the cheek, forehead, the leap or any part of the face can lead to boils breakout. The face is home to pimples, a bacteria can easily snick into the body through the pimple’s pore. This is why it is not advisable to pop a pimple with a dirty hand or sharp dirty objects.   This boil causing bacteria are everywhere, just looking for opportunity to into the body. Pictures of boils on ...

Causes Of Boils In Toddlers: home remedies, treatment and prevention

Boil is an infection that appear on human of all ages, children, adult, males ands females. It is caused by poor body cleanliness poor hygiene and environment cleanliness. Causes Of Boils In Toddlers   boils in a toddler is caused by a bacteria a staphylococcus bacteria, when this bacteria into the body through a cut, a wound, or a scratch on the skin. For a boil to occur the bacteria must penetrate the    skin. Toddlers are exposed are to so many risk factors, that lead to boil breakout, they play, with dirty objects, can easily cut , scratch or wound themselves . when this happens this bacteria easily snick into their body causing the boil infection. Why Boils Occur In Toddler’s Diaper Area   the diaper area, is hairy, moist, warm and dirty, this is an ideal area for bacteria for survive. To prevent boil, this area must be kept clean and dry.   Change your toddler diaper often, to ensure it is not wetted.   Cause Of Boils Toddler’s Buttocks ...

boils in genital area, causes, treatment, prevention and home remedies

Boils in Genital Area boils on genital area are tiny tender and painful inflammations that appears on the genital areas in both males and female.    It is necessary to know the causes, risk factors, cure, home remedies as well as treatment for boils in the genital areas. Genital Boils Photos boils in the genital area, looks like a wound, it start like a small inflammations , develops a head, drains fluids, it has a central core, from where the fluid comes out,     a   boil is unlike ordinary injury,   that only bleed and stops, a boil must drains pus. Boils And Genital Herpes a boil is different from a genital herbes,   herbes are caused by virus, whereas boil are caused by are caused by a bacterial infection. The   herpes do not have a central core but just an inflammation, with a whitish head.   It does not drain fluid like boils. Causes Of Genital Boils genital boils are caused by bacteria, just like any other boils, ...

boils between legs: causes, treatment , prevention and home remedies

Boils between legs are painful and makes daily activities a big problems,   this is why it is very important to get rid of them. It is also necessary to know how to prevent them, to have some home based remedies at hand as well as the causes. What cause boils between legs   The major causes of boils on the legs are the presence of bacteria, yes a bacteria, called staphylococcus aureus. This is a special type of bacteria. When this bacteria get into your body, through a skin opening , they cause boils breakout.   The leg is an exposed part of the body, it can easily get cut, scrapes. get contact with bacteria or   Exposed to dirt . Therefore it is necessary to keep your leg clean. Clean wound s, and cover them. Always wear protective shoes to prevent boil infections. Pictures of boils between legs Here are some picture of boils between legs.   You can see the difference between boils on a leg   and other injuries or wounds on the leg. ...

Can boils on breast cause cancer: causes, treatment, home remedies and prevention

Can boils on breast cause cancer A boil on the breast cannot in any way cause breast cancer, a boil is just a bacterial infection that occur on the skin by a staph bacteria, whereas skin cancer or breast cancer is cause by   an abnormal cells. The most common cause of breast cancer are: Aging, when you are increasing in age, there is a high likelihood that you can have skin cancer. Hereditary: this when you have a family history of breast cancer, when one of your grandmother has a breast cancer Then there is a likelihood that you can also have a breast cancer. Other cause of breast cancer are exposure to radiation; this can be due to occupation or environment, therefore there is no any link between breast cancer and Can boils appear on the breast A boil can appear on any part of the body not only, the breast, for a boil to appear on any part of the body, a bacteria must inhabit, the area, colonize   it.     When this happen,   the bacteria ...


  Recurring boil is as a result continual presence of the staphylococci bacteria on the body , on the clothes materials, towels, bedroom sheets etc.   continual exposure to these bacteria through swimming pools,   contaminated toilet and bathrooms among other. Walking barefooted at football field, basketball court , using public bath tub etc, can expose you to these bacteria. if you have exposure to these boil causing bacteria,    you can easily get boils continuously, a boil will keep coming back.   Having a recurring boil does not mean that the bacteria are in your body. Or you are not completely cured in the first place.   If the bacteria are in your body,   you won’t be healed in the first place. To get rid of boils and prevent recurrence maintain good personal cleanliness and environment sanitation, ensure your body, clothing , room, bathroom, toilet are clean all day. WHY RECURRING  BOILS  ON INNER THIGH   The most...

How to clear boils in pubic area males

How to clear boils in pubic area   males   the pubic area is hairy moist and dark, a conducive area were boils causing bacteria, boils is a skin infection caused by a bacteria colonize in a part of the body, the bacteria must inhabit a part of the body long enough for it to penetrate the skin,   through injury wound or hair follicles, how does boil easily occur in the pubic area , the pubic area are   the penis , the scrotum well as   the buttocks or simply the area between the navel and the knees, or do you know why the trap soils green dust etc this is as a conducive area for bacteria, bacteria can easily accumulate in this area and penetrate through hair follicles into your body to cause boils, Does shaving causes boil   shaving your hair can increase the chance of you getting more boil when you shave the hair you expose the pubic skin to infections of the skin around this area are tender and delicate than the rest of the body skin additi...

Boils healing stages pictures: here are the the main healing stages of boils and what to do

Boils healing stages pictures Here are the 3 major healing stages of boil   Before it popped:   This is the infection stages, it is when the bacteria get into the body, through either a cut, a scrape or shavings on the skin and   infection begin on   a small part of the skin. This stage is characterized by a reddening of the skin around the boil, it start itching and you start feeling painful sensation. The skin around the boil becomes infected. It turns red, painful, warm, and swollen. More boils may appear around the original one. A fever may develop. Lymph nodes may become swollen. After a week, a bump full of pus will start to form, and the irritation and the inflammation will start to increase. At these stages you should avoid popping the boil. At this stage warm and moisture is what   the boil need. Apply warm compress to the place 3 to 4 times daily. After popping: this is the opening and draining stage, at thi...

boils on inner thighs std. is boil a sexually transmitted infection?

boils on inner thighs std boils is not a sexually transmitted diseases, it has no link with any sexual transmitted diseases,    it is not transmitted solely during sex, like any other std but this does not mean that it cannot be transmitted during sex.   but how,   when your sex partner has boils in the private area, you will easily get infected when you had an unprotected sex, this is so because,   the genital lining are thin and bacteria can easily penetrate,   secondly   , if the sex involve in injury, then the bacteria can easily pass to you, and you will also get boils infection. What of if the boils is not in the genital area, when you had a boil, in other part of your body, it can still be transmitted to other body part for the following reasons.   Boils are caused by a staphylococci bacteria, this bacteria, this bacteria if found on your sex partners   body , can easily   be pass to you.   Remember sex involv...

boils on buttocks, causes, treatment, and prevention

WHAT CAUSES BOILS ON BUM The buttocks is moist, hairy and warmth, this condition makes it conducive for bacteria, to thrive, A boil is causes by   staph, bacteria, when this bacteria, get on the skin, and penetrate it through an opening, it cause irritation and inflammation on the body, this activities of the bacteria cause the body to react by itching, pains, irritations and pus discharge.   Therefore in order to check boil, what you need to do is to stop the bacteria from colonizing the buttocks area.   The moist nature of the buttocks, due to the sweats and the fact that it is always covered under clothes, makes it habitable for bacteria, the warmth nature of the buttocks also cause boil breakout   due to heat, likewise the hairy nature of the   buttocks also can lead to boil breakouts. because of the hair follicles on the boil, a boil causing bacteria can easily penetrate the skin through the hair follicles.      ...

apple cider vinegar and boils

Apple cinder vinger is a very effective home remedy for boils,   because it is a strong disinfectants, that can kill boil causing bacteria and heal boils.   It is a powerful anti-inflammatory, it reduces inflammations and pains cause by boils. Apple cinder vinegar balances the ph levels to prevent, oiliness, dryness and infection. The acetic and malic acids in apple cider vinegar break down the boil’s protective layers and penetrate to the root of the infection. It has antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties that fight against the bacteria and clears problem from the roots.   therefore apple cinders vinger is very effective in curing boils, because , It kill boil causing bacteria, reduces skin inflammation and pains around the boil area , contain powerful organic acids that   breakdown the boil protective layer,   and neutralize the boil core.   It’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antimicrobial and antiseptic propertie...


HOW TO PREVENT  BOILS to prevent boils, the best thing to do is to maintain good personal cleanliness, hygiene and environmental sanitation.  Your body need needs to be clean, you r clothing need to be cleans as well as your hands and mouth. Boils are caused by bacteria, a staphylococci bacteria,  when these bacteria get into your body through a cut, hair follicle or open wound , it start to cause  boils, redness, itching  and inflammations result. In less than a week time boil appears.  To  prevent boil all what you need is to prevent , this bacteria from getting contact with your body.  The best way to start , is to start with  your body , you will need to cleanse your body  from these bacteria, this can be achieved by daily bathing.  But before you start to prevent boils ensure you are cured of boils in the first place. Watch some of our videos on how to heal a boil.  Therefore...