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Can boils on breast cause cancer: causes, treatment, home remedies and prevention

Can boils on breast cause cancer
A boil on the breast cannot in any way cause breast cancer, a boil is just a bacterial infection that occur on the skin by a staph bacteria, whereas skin cancer or breast cancer is cause by  an abnormal cells.
The most common cause of breast cancer are:
Aging, when you are increasing in age, there is a high likelihood that you can have skin cancer.
Hereditary: this when you have a family history of breast cancer, when one of your grandmother has a breast cancer
Then there is a likelihood that you can also have a breast cancer.
Other cause of breast cancer are exposure to radiation; this can be due to occupation or environment, therefore there is no any link between breast cancer and

Can boils appear on the breast
A boil can appear on any part of the body not only, the breast, for a boil to appear on any part of the body, a bacteria must inhabit, the area, colonize  it.   When this happen,  the bacteria can penetrate  through the skin, into the body to cause the boil.
The breast is not different from any other part of the body.
But how does this bacteria get into the breast. When there is a cut, a scratches, wound or injury on the breast, the bacteria can easily penetrate the  breast. What we mean by penetrate is to get into the skin of the breast and not into the breast milk alveolis.
A minor injury from a bite by a breast feeding   toddlers, a simple scratch by a bra, clothes , a necklace, which  you can  consider as a minor injury is , sufficient for a bacteria to get into the body through it.
The breast is delicate part of the body, the tit of the breast is thin and delicate, meaning bacteria can easily penetrate into the sin through it.
Then , a boil can appear on a breast.

Causes of boils on breast
The major cause of boils on the breast  is the staphylococcus bacteria, when this bacteria get into the skin, through a cut, a scratches, insect bite, or wound . When this happens. A painful sensation, itching and redness appear on the boil area, with time, a head appear, the boil will start to drain fluid.
The major factor that contribute to the boil of the breast dirtiness, poor body cleanliness, when you allow your breast to remain dirty, in an unwashed and smelly bras,  you bath without washing the bra area thoroughly, you have leaking breast, but don’t care  to clean.
You  are breastfeeding a toddlers, that uses dirty hands to grab your breast without you bothering to clean the breast after,
Or you share cloths with infected people.
You swim in a public boils without bathing again, thereafter, then you have expose yourself to boils.
Exposing yourself to the above will not only affect your breast alone but your wall body as a woman.

How to treat boils under breast
The best way to treat a boil on a breast is to follow the following steps.

Use antibiotics, an antibiotics can inhibit, the growth of the boil causing bacteria, prevent its multiplications and growth and thereby stopping the boils, the antibiotics will kill the bacteria from the core ,
After taking an antibiotics, the next thing to do, is to remove the boil core, the antibiotic will make the core removal easily.
You can remove the boil core by squeezing it out  or by using a hot bottle, watch one of our video to see how to remove a boil core.
After the removing the boil core, it can bleed for some time, fluid called pus may coming out from it,
Get a clean tissue paper and wipe away the fluid. and
apply antibiotic ointment on the boil.

How to prevent boils under breasts
First of all your breast must be kept clean daily, you know the breast   has a tit, the tit has a soft skin, unlike the rest of the breast, it is like any other sensitive body part like the genitals, they have thin membrane, meaning bacteria can easily  penetrate the skin through it.
Therefore, you will have to keep this area clean all day.
Wear clean bra, clean clothes, wash your bra and clothes with strong antibiotics soaps.
Do not swim in a dirty water, do not use public swimming pools. avoid sharing of clothes.
Avoid using towels to wipe away, the pus, this is to prevent the boils from spreading to other part of  your body.

Home remedies for breast boils
The best home remedies for bois is to get a  garlic, yes a garlic,
Crush the garlic into powder , put some water on it, and make a paste, apply it on the boil area and  apply it on the boils area.
Leave it on the area for about  2 to 3 hours.

A boil on the breast is just like a boil on any other par of your body.
Is not a sign ofcancer, and cannot lead to a cancer cancer when treated properly, good body cleanliness  is the most effective way to prvent a boil on the breast.
Observe the above prevention tips to stay away from the boils from coming back.


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