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boils between legs: causes, treatment , prevention and home remedies

Boils between legs are painful and makes daily activities a big problems,  this is why it is very important to get rid of them. It is also necessary to know how to prevent them, to have some home based remedies at hand as well as the causes.
What cause boils between legs
 The major causes of boils on the legs are the presence of bacteria, yes a bacteria, called staphylococcus aureus. This is a special type of bacteria. When this bacteria get into your body, through a skin opening , they cause boils breakout.
 The leg is an exposed part of the body, it can easily get cut, scrapes. get contact with bacteria or  Exposed to dirt .
Therefore it is necessary to keep your leg clean. Clean wound s, and cover them. Always wear protective shoes to prevent boil infections.

Pictures of boils between legs
Here are some picture of boils between legs.  You can see the difference between boils on a leg  and other injuries or wounds on the leg.
 A boil start as small inflammations, it has a core, drain pus unlike ordinary wounds that are just cut, that bleed and stops.
Treatment for boils between legs
 To treat a boil, you will need an antibiotics, this antibiotics is necessary to kill  the bacteria,
inside your body. And to make the boils to drain faster, when the boil is drained. You should use a tissue paper to clean it and  the pus, and finally apply antibiotic ointment. 
What causes small boils on legs
 What causes a small boil or a large boil is same, all oils starts as small, when  no proper care is not taken,  this small boil can turn to a larger one, a boil can change to a more severe skin infection called carbuncles. When left untreated.

What causes multiple boils on legs
 Poor handling of the fluid coming out from a boil can lead a multiple boils on the leg.
 This fluid contain the boil causing bacteria, this fluid are left to flow , new boils appears, and more more boils will keep reappearing.
 This is because the pus contain the causative agents.
Home remedies for boils between legs
 The best home remedy for boils on the leg is to use white beans. Use your teeth to crush some pieces of boils and  put it on the boil area over the night. This will draw out the boil fluid from the core, and  the boil will pop faster.
How to prevent boils between your legs
 To prevent boils around the leg, do the following:
Wash your body daily with strong antibiotics,
Always keep your cloth clean
 Do not walk barefooted.
Cover wound on your legs
Boils are very contagious and can spread from one part of the body to another. Therefore proper hygiene and body cleanliness  is very necessary to kick away boils.


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