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how to get rid of stress eczema

how to get rid of stress eczema
it is a known medical fact that eczema symptoms are triggered by stress and depression, but no one exactly know why this happens.
 In this video we are going to show you how this happens and what you can do about it.
 Stress and depression are known  causes of  eczema breakout, it is observed among many patient. But  why this happen is not yet known.
 But , we can still help  ourselves. Knowing that eczema is triggered by stress, we can avoid stress or at least know how to manage it to  prevent the eczema from flaring up.
 Stress is caused by worries or excess demand or high desire, anything that put your brain on extra mental labour can cause stress, they can be positive or negative, positive stressor can  be something like urge of getting married, buying a house,  going to college etc. been pessimistic  about life causes stress, when you always expect the worst out of all situations.
 We can summaries the cause of stress as follows, financial problems, relationship difficulties, negative self-talk, rigid thinking, job loss, loss of love ones, among others.
  Now that you know the cause of stress, you should avoid them, know how to manage them to protect yourself from eczema breakouts.
But how do you mange eczema when it already appeared.
 It is obvious that your eczema symptoms will escalate when you are stressed but here are what you can do to relieve yourself.
Doing exercise:
  Regular exercise, doing exercise will relieve you of stress, focusing on simple exercise like walking, running, dancing, swimming etc, will relieve you the negative though and serve as a distractions from the worries.
 Connecting with other people:
 don’t stay alone, find people to mingle with, a simple smile or kind words from someone can trigger hormones that relieve stress. Don’t let your problem s affect your social life.
Eat good diet:
the kind of food you eat can affect your stress level, eating carbohydrate or refined foods can triggers stress hormones while eating of fruits and vegetable can help relieve stress.
Good night sleep
Have enough sleep: a good sleep is essential to your general body health. Lack of sleep can cause bad mood and tiredness, all these can lead to stress.
 Stress is one of the causes or triggers of eczema, though nobody knows how this happens, but patients’ data have shown that eczema symptoms are worsened by stress.  
There are many causes of stress from physical to emotional triggers, from physical work, financial problems to relationship problems. You are required to tackle your issues to avoid stress.
 There are many things you can do to manage your stress, like socializing with people, changing your diet, physical exercise among others.


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