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15 most common problems faced by impetigo patients and what they can do about it

How do kids get impetigo?

Kids can easily get impetigo, than adult because they are exposed to conditions that triggers the spread of impetigo, kids are expose to overcrowded conditions, like being in  day care centers, being in a congested school bus.
Kids are much more expose to dirty environment like dirty toilet seat and bathtubs than adult.
 Kids play games with other children in school and at homes, these increases their chances of getting impetigo, due to skin to skin contact.
 Children are likely to develop other skin conditions like eczema and boils, shingles, ringworms among others, than adult. These infections create openings for bacteria to sneak in and cause boils.
 Kids are more like to develop impetigo, because  they are much more exposed to crowded environment,  exposed to dirty environment,  have much more physical body contact and  likely affected by skin condition.

Can a child go to school with impetigo?

A child with impetigo should be isolated from other children, because impetigo is very contagious and can easily spread to other kids, the impetigo, should be covered  and they child must go to school,  then it must be after treatment  using antibiotics,  with antibiotics,  the child become non contagious 48 hours after.
 Proper hygiene should be given to the child so that he did not spread the infection to other kids in the school.
Is impetigo the same as Hand Foot and Mouth?
Though, they may look similar but they are not the same, hand, foot and mouth diseases occur on the foot, palm of the hand and in the mouth at the same time, whereas impetigo , only occur around the mouth and nose, so if you Have Sore on your palm and foot while having SAME IN YOUR MOUTH IT IS NOT IMPETIGO, but mouth, hand  and foot diseases but impetigo is different from this.
 Hand foot and mouth diseases is a viral infections, whereas impetigo is not a viral infection. Impetigo is a bacterial infection.
 You can use antibiotics to treat impetigo but you cannot use antibiotics to treat hand, foot and mouth disease.

What does impetigo look like when it starts?

Impetigo starts as a reddish spots and latter, it changes to a reddish blister.  The blisters will later on burst into crust which is brownish yellow in colour. It develop around the mouth and the nose. It may be itchy but it is not painful.

Can you die from impetigo?

Impetigo is not a very serious skin infection that cause loss of life, though it may lead to other severe skin infection and deep layer infection or may open door for other bacterial infection like boils, carbuncle etc. But impetigo on its own is not a serious skin infection and can even go away on its own.
 Impetigo cannot kill you, but you have to stop it , this is because it is very contagious and can spread very fast  especially among children.

Can impetigo be spread through water?

Impetigo can spread in water, the staph and the strep bacteria can survive in water. Therefore if you have impetigo, you should avoid using public swimming pool, stop using family bathtub or use of any stagnant water.  And if someone you know is having this infection you should avoid bathing or swimming together, if they don’t educate them.
 If you must swim or use a pool with other, then, use antibacterial soap after

Does chlorine kill germs in swimming pools?

 Chlorine can kill bacteria, it will take some time and may need to be much in the water. Putting chlorine in a pool water is for immediate use is should be strictly avoided.
Also some people do urinate in a swimming pool, this is very bad and unhygienic, chlorine do not.
 Chlorine cannot kill STDs, if you involve yourself in any intimate activity in the pool, the chlorine in the pool cannot protect you from any sexually transmitted infection, though chlorine can kill most bacteria or viruses in the water, but it not a guarantee for any sexual act in the pool.

Can impetigo spread while on antibiotics?

Yes , but by taking antibiotics now, doesn’t mean you are no long contagious,  you will have to wait for 48 hours, before you will be medically non contagious, and also your clothing, towels and any other object your daily use must be washed very well before you reuse them, otherwise , you can still spread the infection.
 After taking antibiotics, avoid body contact, like hand shake, kissing etc. avoid overcrowded place like club, public transport etc. until you have done all of the above.

How do you know impetigo is healing?

 The first sign, impetigo is healing, is when the sores, burst into a brownish yellow, crust, it dries, heals and disappear without leaving a scar.

How do you get rid of impetigo at home?

 Here is how to get rid of impetigo at home, you can turmeric, get some turmeric and grid it into powder, at some water to make a paste, after doing this apply it on the impetigo and leave for like , 20 minutes before washing.
 You Can alternatively use tea tree, oil, get some tea tree oil, and apply it on the sore of your impetigo, this should repeated twice daily. You can also use aloe vera, to use this remedy, get a fresh stem, and squeeze it to extract the juice, apply this on the impetigo, , aloe vera is a very powerful  antibacterial and antiseptic.

 Is impetigo a bacterial, viral or fungal infection?

 Impetigo is a bacterial infection, either staph or strep bacteria can cause it, it not a viral or fungal infection, because it is not caused by any virus or any fungus.

Can impetigo come back in the same place?

Impetigo cannot come back in the same place,  once it is healed , it go away completely,  you can only  get re-infected, if you are re-exposed to  ways through which impetigo spread.
 This is because,   impetigo causing bacteria do not stay in the nerve endings like the herpes simplex virus.  You can only get impetigo if you are re-infected again.

What causes impetigo to flare up?

Impetigo can flare ups, if you are exposed to the staphylococcus bacteria or streptococcus bacteria, this bacteria can come from someone who is infected, through skin to skin contact like handshake, kissing or hugging. Staying in an overcrowded environment or dirty environment cause a flare,
 Sharing of clothes, sponges, cutleries, or sleeping in the same bed with someone having this infection cause a flare.
 Children in school or day care centers can get a flare easily, therefore always avoid physical contact with impetigo patient or overcrowded condition to avoid a flare up.

Can impetigo spread to your private parts?

 Impetigo cannot spread to the private area, it only occur in area around the mouth and the nose.  If you see some flare ups, around your private area, then it is not  an impetigo symptoms, but can be anything from shingles, eczema, skin boils, or even herpes virus, therefore impetigo do not occur in the private area.
  The private area can house so many bacteria, even the staph bacteria, this is why boils, is very common in this area, this is why you will have to keep this area very clean.
  Boils , eczema or herpes  in the private area, are different infection, all have  their separate treatment, finding out, what  your infection actually is and  how to treat them is  one of the 1st step you can take to get rid of the impetigo.

How do you kill bacteria in laundry?

You can clear impetigo bacteria, when washing your clothes in any of the following ways
1.    To use white vinegar, add 1 cup of it to the rinse cycle. ...
2.    To use hydrogen peroxide, add 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the wash. ...
3.    Borax can be used in addition to your regular detergent. ...
4.    Oxygen bleach does disinfect, though it is not as strong of a disinfectant as chlorine bleach.
Any of this can help you get rid of bacteria,  this is necessary to kill all the bacteria  and stop  the impetigo from coming back.

How do you get rid of a staph infection at home?

You can get rid of staph infection at home by using any of the following method:
1.    soaking the affected area in warm water or applying warm, moist washcloths.
2.    applying a heating pad or a hot water bottle to the skin for about 20 minutes, three or four times a day.
3.    Applying antibiotic ointment, if recommended by your doctor.
Any of these can help you to get rid of the staph infection.


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