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15 most common problems faced by boils patients


Can stress cause boils?

Yes, when you are stressed there is a change in the way your body metabolism functions, at this point, you can easily get infected if you are exposed to boil bacteria. Secondly stress can cause skin irritation like inflammations and breakout, this can create openings on your body through which bacteria can easily penetrate.
In addition  Stress is  not a direct cause of boils,  but  it create a favorable conditions  through which boils can occur and multiply.

Why boils keep coming back?

 Boils will keep coming back, if the staph bacteria is not cleared completely from your body or when these bacteria keep coming back to your body. There are things you can do to keep away these boils completely away from your body when you are healed from boils.
 One of these things are use of antibacterial soap, for washing and bathing, washing of all clothing, bed sheet, towel and blanket. staying in very hygienic environment, keeping toilet, bathtubs clean, avoid using of dirty clothes.  Also avoid physical contact like handshake, hugging etc.
 Doing these will keep away the staph bacteria from coming back to you after you are cleared from it.

Why do I have boil on my private part?

  Your private area are different from the rest of your body, it have conditions that favour the stay and survival of boils causing bacteria. Your private area is moist, warm,   the skin is thin and it is hairy. the moist nature of the area support the survival of the bacteria, the thin nature allow these bacteria to easily penetrate the skin, the hairy nature house the bacteria, and also the presence of hair follicle serve as an easy access for the  bacteria to get into your body. And lastly the warm nature support the bacteria.
 The private area naturally support these bacteria survival, this is why, you always have to keep it clean.

How do I prevent boils on my pubic area?

 The best way to prevent boils in the private area, is to   take proper care of the private area, shave  it at least twice a day,   wash and change your underwears daily, do not use perfume or highly scented soap in this area, because it can cause skin irritation,  do not share underwears with anyone.
Bath daily and use antibacterial soap to clean the private area. Wear loose clothing, and avoid skin irritating fabrics.

Should you squeeze a boil?

 Do not squeeze a boils, for three reasons, one it is very painful, secondly, it can worsen the infection and three it can cause more spread. When you squeeze a boil at the early stage it won’t heal or sould I say the core will not come out , and it is very painful, secondly if you squeeze boils it can cause the bacteria from your hand to get into the boil,  and can  delay the healing of the boils and lastly ,  the pus coming from the boils can spread from your hand to other part of your skin or be transferred to others  through handshake , hugging etc.
  Therefore do not squeeze boils, instead use warm compress with antibiotics, until when the core is ready to come out by itself.

What causes boils on your butt?

 The  buttocks is part of the body  that are sweaty, hairy and moist, all these will make staph bacteria to stick so easily  and multiply, boil causing bacteria is not on exception, also other skin infection in these area can cause boil bacteria to easily  stick.  Skin irritating fabrics can cause boils bacteria to easily stick on your skin and cause more boils.
 Buttocks are like the private area, to keep away boils in this area, bath daily and wash it antibacterial soap, wear cotton loose clothing  and you will be free from boils.


Can you die from a boil?

 Boils is a mild skin infection, though when left untreated for a longer time , it may lead to other more serious and deeper skin infections like carbuncles and abscesses,   but boils is not known as a fatal or terminal illness, in most patient it can go away on its own , if the condition is not that favourable.
 Boil is not a fatal infection and therefore it cannot kill.

 Can STD cause boils?

 Sexually transmitted infected  are not the direct cause of boils,  infections, like HPV virus, syphilis and human immune virus infection are not a direct cause of boils,  but a patient suffering from any of  these infection can easily get boils  for the following reasons,
 HPV virus and syphilis come with symptoms like skin irritations,  and these can create an opening on the skin for the boils causing bacteria. Secondly human immune virus can cause  these infection because it lowers the body immune system and  bacteria  like staph can easily  survive  and thrive because body defense mechanism to stop them  is no longer there.
 Secondly genital piercing can also cause boils spread.
 STDs create conditions for staph bacteria to easily thrive and cause more infections.

How do you get rid of a boil fast?

 The fasted way to get rid of boils very fast is to use antibiotics followed with the use of antibacterial soaps for bathing and washing.
 Antibiotics will make you un-contagious within 48 hours, the soap is to keep the bacteria away from your body surface and clothing.
 Combining these two, you can be free from boils in less a five days.      

Will the core of a boil come out by itself?

  A core of a boil will not come out by itself, you will need to remove it, there are several ways to remove it, but we are going to discuss one of such method:
 To remove the core out of a boil, here are what you will need, a bottle, a hot boiling water, a tissue paper among others.
 Put  the bottle into the boiling water, , remove it and put the rim of the bottle on the boil,  the  boil core will be force to come out by the virtual vacuum created when the air in the bottle cools down,
 But before using this method to remove a boils, ensure that the boil is already draining fluid,
 Also do not squeeze the bottle and do not use towel to clean the draining pus. This is to prevent the spreading of the boils.

Will amoxicillin treat a boil?

Amoxicillin can be used to treat boils, it is a very powerful antibiotics, boils is caused by a staphylococcus aureus bacteria when it get into the body. Amoxicillin is a powerful antibiotics that can kill these bacteria.
 But there are many types of staph bacteria, they are about 30, and different types of antibiotics are used to treat these infections, the antibiotics that will cure your boils depend on the type of staph bacteria that cause your boils.
 Therefore it is left for your doctor to tell you if amoxicillin is what you need or other antibiotics,
 Other antibiotics that can work on boils are amikacin ,ampicillin, cefazolin, cefotaxime  and ceftriaxone among others.

how to cure staph infection without antibiotics

 yes, you can cure staph infection, without using antibiotics,  you can use  home remedies, herbal home remedies, these  natural substance are strong antibacterial and  can therefore help to get rid of  staph infection, example of these natural home treatment are  aloe vera, ginger, turmeric, tea tree oil,  among other.
 How to use these natural treatment.
  For the aloe vera, get a fresh stem and squeeze it to extract the liquid, and rub on the boils, as for the turmeric, grid it into powder, make a paste by adding some water and apply on the boils. As for the tea tree out, apply two drops on the boils, repeat twice a day,
 All these treatment should be continued for at least a week,
  They all have antibacterial properties and just antibiotics, they kill bacteiria , and therefore they are a good replacement.

Can a boil go away without draining?

 A boil cannot heal without draining, the boils need to pass through three healing stages, the first, the middle and the final stage.
 The first stage is when the boil is not pop, at this stage all you can do is to apply warm compress,  do not squeeze or open the boil at this stage, the second stage is when the boils is draining pus, at this stage the boils core is ready and can be removes, though I this is the most infectious stage and extra care must be given to prevent  more spread, at this stage,  Daily warm compress, followed by antibiotics or natural remedies.
 The final stage is when the scab and scars appear, this when the boils is healed. All what you need at this stage is to prevent recurrence
 Therefore for a boils to completely go, it must drain, out the pus.

Are boils itchy?

 Boils are very itchy, it is painful and itchy, one of the signs, you will know you have boil is when ,  your skin redden, itch and cause more pain.


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